espei.parameter_selection package


espei.parameter_selection.model_building module

Building candidate models

espei.parameter_selection.model_building.build_candidate_models(configuration, features)

Return a dictionary of features and candidate models

  • configuration (tuple) – Configuration tuple, e.g. ((‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’), ‘A’)
  • features (dict) – Dictionary of {str: list} of generic features for a model, not considering the configuration. For example: {‘CPM_FORM’: [sympy.S.One, v.T, v.T**2, v.T**3]}

Dictionary of {feature: [candidate_models])

Return type:



Currently only works for binary and ternary interactions.

Candidate models match the following spec: 1. Candidates with multiple features specified will have 2. orders of parameters (L0, L0 and L1, …) have the same number of temperatures

Note that high orders of parameters with multiple temperatures are not required to contain all the temperatures of the low order parameters. For example, the following parameters can be generated L0: A L1: A + BT

espei.parameter_selection.model_building.build_feature_sets(temperature_features, interaction_features)

Return a list of broadcasted features

  • temperature_features (list) – List of temperature features that will become a successive_list, such as [TlogT, T-1, T2]
  • interaction_features (list) – List of interaction features that will become a successive_list, such as [YS, YS*Z, YS*Z**2]

Return type:



This allows two sets of features, e.g. [TlogT, T-1, T2] and [YS, YS*Z, YS*Z**2] and generates a list of feature sets where the temperatures and interactions are broadcasted successively.

Generates candidate feature sets like: L0: A + BT, L1: A L0: A , L1: A + BT

but not lists that are not successive: L0: A + BT, L1: Nothing, L2: A L0: Nothing, L1: A + BT

There’s still some debate whether it makes sense from an information theory perspective to add a L1 B term without an L0 B term. However this might be more representative of how people usually model thermodynamics.

Does not distribute multiplication/sums or make assumptions about the elements of the feature lists. They can be strings, ints, objects, tuples, etc..

The number of features (related to the complexity) is a geometric series. For $N$ temperature features and $M$ interaction features, the total number of feature sets should be $N*(1-N**M)/(1-N)$. If $N=1$, then there are $M$ total feature sets.


Return a list of successive combinations

Parameters:xs (list) – List of elements, e.g. [X, Y, Z]
Returns:List of combinations where each combination include all the preceding elements
Return type:list


>>> make_successive(['W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'])
[['W'], ['W', 'X'], ['W', 'X', 'Y'], ['W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']]

espei.parameter_selection.redlich_kister module

Tools for construction Redlich-Kister polynomials used in parameter selection.


Calculate the interaction product for sublattice configurations

Parameters:site_fractions (list) – List of sublattice configurations. Sites on each sublattice be in order with respect to the elements in the sublattice. The list should be 3d of (configurations, sublattices, values)
Returns:List of interaction products, Z, for each sublattice
Return type:list


>>> # interaction product for an (A) configuration
>>> calc_interaction_product([[1.0]])  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
>>> # interaction product for [(A,B), (A,B)(A)] configurations that are equal
>>> calc_interaction_product([[[0.5, 0.5]], [[0.5, 0.5], 1]])  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[0.0, 0.0]
>>> # interaction product for an [(A,B)] configuration
>>> calc_interaction_product([[[0.1, 0.9]]])  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
>>> # interaction product for an [(A,B)(A,B)] configuration
>>> calc_interaction_product([[[0.2, 0.8], [0.4, 0.6]]])  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
>>> # ternary case, (A,B,C) interaction
>>> calc_interaction_product([[[0.333, 0.333, 0.334]]])
[[0.333, 0.333, 0.334]]
>>> # ternary 2SL case, (A,B,C)(A) interaction
>>> calc_interaction_product([[[0.333, 0.333, 0.334], 1.0]])
[[0.333, 0.333, 0.334]]

Calculate the site fraction product for sublattice configurations

Parameters:site_fractions (list) – List of sublattice configurations. The list should be 3d of (configurations, sublattices, values)
Returns:List of site fraction products, YS, for each sublattice
Return type:list


>>> # site fraction product for an (A,B)(A) configuration
>>> calc_site_fraction_product([[[0.2, 0.8], 1.0]])  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
>>> # site fraction product for [(A,B)(A), (A,B)(A)] configurations
>>> calc_site_fraction_product([[[0.2, 0.8], 1.0], [[0.3, 0.7], 1.0]])  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
[0.16..., 0.21]
>>> # site fraction product for [(A,B)(A,B)] configurations
>>> calc_site_fraction_product([[[0.2, 0.8], [0.4, 0.6]]])  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
>>> # ternary case, (A,B,C) interaction
>>> calc_site_fraction_product([[[0.25, 0.25, 0.5]]])

espei.parameter_selection.selection module

Fit, score and select models

espei.parameter_selection.selection.fit_model(feature_matrix, data_quantities, ridge_alpha)

Return model coefficients fit by scikit-learn’s LinearRegression

  • feature_matrix (ndarray) – (M*N) regressor matrix. The transformed model inputs (y_i, T, P, etc.)
  • data_quantities (ndarray) – (M,) response vector. Target values of the output (e.g. HM_MIX) to reproduce.
  • ridge_alpha (float) – Value of the $alpha$ hyperparameter used in ridge regression. Defaults to 1.0e-100, which should be degenerate with ordinary least squares regression. For now, the parameter is applied to all features.

List of model coefficients of shape (N,)

Return type:



Solve Ax = b. x are the desired model coefficients. A is the ‘feature_matrix’. b corrresponds to ‘data_quantities’.

espei.parameter_selection.selection.score_model(feature_matrix, data_quantities, model_coefficients, feature_list, rss_numerical_limit=1e-16)

Use the AICc to score a model that has been fit.

  • feature_matrix (ndarray) – (M*N) regressor matrix. The transformed model inputs (y_i, T, P, etc.)
  • data_quantities (ndarray) – (M,) response vector. Target values of the output (e.g. HM_MIX) to reproduce.
  • model_coefficients (list) – List of fitted model coefficients to be scored. Has shape (N,).
  • feature_list (list) – Polynomial coefficients corresponding to each column of ‘feature_matrix’. Has shape (N,). Purely a logging aid.
  • rss_numerical_limit (float) – Anything with an absolute value smaller than this is set to zero.

A model score

Return type:



Solve Ax = b, where ‘feature_matrix’ is A and ‘data_quantities’ is b.

The likelihood function is a simple least squares with no regularization. The form of the AIC is valid under assumption all sample variances are random and Gaussian, model is univariate. It is assumed the model here is univariate with T.

espei.parameter_selection.selection.select_model(candidate_models, ridge_alpha)

Select a model from a series of candidates by fitting and scoring them

  • candidate_models (list) – List of tuples of (features, feature_matrix, data_quantities)
  • ridge_alpha (float) – Value of the $alpha$ hyperparameter used in ridge regression. Defaults to 1.0e-100, which should be degenerate with ordinary least squares regression. For now, the parameter is applied to all features.

Tuple of (feature_list, model_coefficients) for the highest scoring model

Return type:


espei.parameter_selection.ternary_parameters module

Build fittable models for ternary parameter selection

espei.parameter_selection.ternary_parameters.build_ternary_feature_matrix(prop, candidate_models, desired_data)

Return an MxN matrix of M data sample and N features.

  • prop (str) – String name of the property, e.g. ‘HM_MIX’
  • candidate_models (list) – List of SymPy parameters that can be fit for this property.
  • desired_data (dict) – Full dataset dictionary containing values, conditions, etc.

An MxN matrix of M samples (from desired data) and N features.

Return type:


espei.parameter_selection.utils module

Tools used across parameter selection modules

espei.parameter_selection.utils.shift_reference_state(desired_data, feature_transform, fixed_model)

Shift data to a new common reference state.

Module contents