Custom unary reference states

Unary reference state data provides three pieces of information about pure elements to ESPEI:

  1. Stable element reference (SER) data, giving the stable phase, atomic mass, \(H298\) and \(S298\) of each element
  2. Gibbs energy of each element in its SER phase
  3. Optional lattice stability functions for selected phases, often relative to the stable element reference energy

By default, ESPEI uses the SGTE91 reference state using the functions defined in (Dinsdale 1991).

ESPEI can be provided custom unary reference states for parameter generation. Some common use cases for custom reference states are:

Using a custom reference state is very easy once it is created or installed. Instead of generating parameters with:

  phase_models: my-phases.json
  datasets: my-input-datasets
  excess_model: linear
  ref_state: SGTE91

A custom reference state called MyCustomReferenceState could be used by:

  phase_models: my-phases.json
  datasets: my-input-datasets
  excess_model: linear
  ref_state: MyCustomReferenceState

Using the template package below, you can create a Python package of custom reference data to install for yourself, and optionally to distribute to others.

Quickstart: Skeleton package

If you are not comfortable developing a Python package using the details below, that's okay! We have provided a skeleton package that can be downloaded and installed to give you a working example.

Running the example

Following these steps will give you a working unary reference state for Al and Ag named CustomRefstate2020. Assuming you have git and a working Python environment, starting from the command line:

  1. Clone the skeleton repository: git clone
  2. Enter the downloaded repository: cd ESPEI-unary-refstate-skeleton
  3. Install the package using pip: pip install -e .

This will install the packaged, named espei_refstate_customrefstate2020, and provide a reference state named CustomRefstate2020.

We can use that by passing using ref_state: CustomRefstate2020 in the generate_parameters heading in ESPEI’s YAML input. If you have ESPEI installed already, you can test that this works by:

  1. Enter the espei-example directory: cd espei-example
  2. Run the YAML input file using ESPEI (note: it's safe to ignore a warning that no datsets were found - we aren't fitting any parameters to data here): espei --in gen_Ag-Al.yaml

If it was successful, you should have ran the YAML file:

  phase_models: Ag-Al.json
  datasets: input-datasets
  excess_model: linear
  ref_state: CustomRefstate2020

and generated a database, out.tdb, containing our custom GHSERAG function (among others):

FUNCTION GHSERAG 298.15 118.202013*T - 7209.512; 1234.93 Y 190.266404*T -
   15095.252; 3000.0 N !

and lattice stabilities for phases defined in the reference state and the system Ag-Al.json, such as GHCPAG.

Finally, since this reference state is probably not useful for developing any databases, uninstall the package by running pip uninstall espei_refstate_customrefstate2020 and removing the directory espei_refstate_customrefstate2020.egg-info from the root directory if one exists.

Using the skeleton to create your own database

If you want to use the skeleton to create your own reference state to provide ESPEI, you can follow the steps below. To keep the steps concrete, we'll create a reference state for Cu called Bocklund2019 following the unary description published for Cu in (Bocklund et al. 2019). within the segmented regression approach by [Roslyakova2016](Roslyakova et al. 2016).

Assuming that you are fresh (without the skeleton downloaded yet):

  1. Clone the skeleton repository: git clone
  2. Enter the downloaded repository: cd ESPEI-unary-refstate-skeleton
  3. Update the NAME = 'CustomRefstate2020' parameter in to NAME = 'Bocklund2019'
  4. In the module, create the Bockund2019Stable, Bockund2019, and (optionally) Bocklund2019SER dictionaries (see creating refstate dicts for more details)
    1. Delete the CustomRefstate2020Stable and CustomRefstate2020 variables

    2. Add the stable phase Gibbs energy for Cu to the Bockund2019Stable variable. Note that OrderedDict is defined in the collections module in the Python standard library.

      Bocklund2019Stable = OrderedDict([
          Piecewise((-0.0010514335*T**2 + 8.7685671186*T*log(exp(155.1404/T) - 1.0) + 16.1968683846*T*log(exp(290.9421/T) - 1.0) - 11038.0904080745, And(T >= 0.01, T < 103.57591)), (-2.15621953171362e-6*T**3 + 0.000288560900942072*T**2 - 0.13879113947248*T*log(T) + 8.7685671186*T*log(exp(155.1404/T) - 1.0) + 16.1968683846*T*log(exp(290.9421/T) - 1.0) + 0.574637617323048*T - 11042.8822142647, And(T >= 103.57591, T < 210.33309)), (-0.002432585*T**2 + 0.4335558862135*T*log(T) + 8.7685671186*T*log(exp(155.1404/T) - 1.0) + 16.1968683846*T*log(exp(290.9421/T) - 1.0) - 2.20049706600083*T - 11002.7543747764, And(T >= 210.33309, T < 1357.77)), (-31.38*T*log(T) + 183.555483717662*T - 12730.2995781851 + 7.42232714807953e+28/T**9, And(T >= 1357.77, T < 3200.0)), (0, True))),
    3. Add the lattice stability for all elements, including the stable phase, to the Bocklund2019 variable

      Bocklund2019 = OrderedDict([
          (('CU', 'HCP_A3'), Piecewise((-3.38438862938597e-7*T**3 - 0.00121182291077191*T**2 + 8.7685671186*T*log(exp(155.1404/T) - 1.0) + 16.1968683846*T*log(exp(290.9421/T) - 1.0) - 0.321147237334052*T - 10441.4393392344, And(T >= 0.01, T < 298.15)), (1.29223e-7*T**3 - 0.00265684*T**2 - 24.112392*T*log(T) + 130.685235*T - 7170.458 + 52478/T, And(T >= 298.15, T < 1357.77)), (-31.38*T*log(T) + 184.003828*T - 12942.0252504739 + 3.64167e+29/T**9, And(T >= 1357.77, T < 3200.0)), (0, True))),
          (('CU', 'FCC_A1'), Piecewise((Symbol('GHSERCU'), And(T < 10000.0, T >= 1.0)), (0, True))),
          (('CU', 'LIQUID'), Piecewise((-3.40056501515466e-7*T**3 - 0.00121066539331185*T**2 + 8.7685671186*T*log(exp(155.1404/T) - 1.0) + 16.1968683846*T*log(exp(290.9421/T) - 1.0) - 10.033338832193*T + 2379.36422209194, And(T >= 0.01, T < 298.15)), (-5.8489e-21*T**7 + 1.29223e-7*T**3 - 0.00265684*T**2 - 24.112392*T*log(T) + 120.973331*T + 5650.32106235287 + 52478/T, And(T >= 298.15, T < 1357.77)), (-31.38*T*log(T) + 173.881484*T + 409.498458129716, And(T >= 1357.77, T < 3200.0)), (0, True))),
    4. (Optional) Add the SER data. If you don't add this data, the SGTE91 data will be used as a fallback

      Bocklund2019SER = OrderedDict([
         ('CU', {'phase': 'FCC_A1', 'mass': 63.546, 'H298': 5004.1, 'S298': 33.15}),
  5. Install the package as editable using pip: pip install -e .
  6. You can now use your reference state in ESPEI, and even change the definitions on the fly.

Creating the reference state dictionaries

To define the reference Gibbs energy, lattice stabilities, and SER data you must define three ordered dictionaries:

  • <NAME>SER, mapping element names to dictionaries of SER data
  • <NAME>Stable, mapping element names to Gibbs energy expressions for the stable phase
  • <NAME>, mapping pairs of (element name, phase name) to lattice stability expressions

The Gibbs energy expressions must be defined as valid symbolic expressions using SymPy Symbol objects and pycalphad StateVariable objects (e.g. v.T, v.P), which can be (but are not required to be) piecewise in temperature. Any SymPy functions can be used (exp, log, Piecewise, ...). Any valid Python syntax or functions can be used, including those not available in commercial software (for example, direct exponentiation with non-integer powers). Any expression supported by pycalphad Model objects can be used, but note that the TDB files that ESPEI writes using these expressions may not be compatible with commercial software.

It's important to note that the users probably want to add a (0, True) expression/condition pair to the end of any Piecewise expressions used. Since pycalphad does not automatically extrapolate the piecewise expressions outside of thier valid ranges, this condition will allow the solver to be numerically stable, returning zero instead of NaN.

For <NAME> lattice stability data, all GHSER symbols will have a two letter element name, regardless of how many letters the element name has. This is to prevent abbreviation name clashes in commercial software. For example, GHSERC could represent the Gibbs energy for carbon (C), but also be a valid abbreviation for calcium (CA). Using GHSERCC automatically fixes this issue, but be aware to use Symbol("GHSERCC") in the case of single letter phase names.

Detailed Information

Setting up

If you want to go dig deeper into how the skeleton works, ESPEI uses the entry_points feature of setuptools to treat additional reference states as plugins.

A package providing a reference state to ESPEI should provide a module that has three dictionaries: <NAME>Stable, <NAME>, and (optional) <NAME>SER, according to the creating refstate dicts section above. The module can have any name, <MODULE>, (the skeleton uses ESPEI looks for the entry_point called espei.reference_states following the example from the setuptools documentation. Concretely, the entry_point should be described by:


from setuptools import setup

setup(# ...
    entry_points={'espei.reference_states': '<NAME> = <MODULE>'}

where <NAME> and <MODULE> are replaced by the corresponding name of the reference state and the name of the module with the reference states defined.

Interested readers may also find the entry_points specification here.


If you want to test whether your modules are found, you can run the following Python code to show what reference states were found

import espei

If you do this after installing the unchanged skeleton package package from this repository, you should find CustomRefstate2020 is printed and the dictionaries espei.refdata.CustomRefstate2020Stable and espei.refdata.CustomRefstate2020 should be defined in the espei.refdata module. For more details on the implementation, see the espei.refdata.find_and_insert_user_refstate function.

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Bocklund, Brandon, Richard Otis, Aleksei Egorov, Abdulmonem Obaied, Irina Roslyakova, and Zi-Kui Liu. 2019. “ESPEI for Efficient Thermodynamic Database Development, Modification, and Uncertainty Quantification: Application to Cu–Mg.” MRS Communications 9 (2): 618–27.
Dinsdale, Alan T. 1991. “SGTE Data for Pure Elements.” Calphad 15 (4): 317–425.
Roslyakova, Irina, Bo Sundman, Holger Dette, Lijun Zhang, and Ingo Steinbach. 2016. “Modeling of Gibbs Energies of Pure Elements down to 0 k Using Segmented Regression.” Calphad 55: 165–80.