Phase Models Schema

ESPEI has a single input style in JSON format that is used for all data entry. For those unfamiliar with JSON, it is fairly similar to Python dictionaries with some rigid requirements

  • All string quotes must be double quotes. Use "key" instead of 'key'.
  • Numbers should not have leading zeros. 00.123 should be 0.123 and 012.34 must be 12.34.
  • Lists and nested key-value pairs cannot have trailing commas. {"nums": [1,2,3,],} is invalid and should be {"nums": [1,2,3]}.

These errors can be challenging to track down, particularly if you are only reading the JSON error messages in Python. A visual editor is encouraged for debugging JSON files such as JSONLint. A quick reference to the format can be found at Learn JSON in Y minutes.

ESPEI has support for checking all of your input datasets for errors, which you should always use before you attempt to run ESPEI. This error checking will report all of the errors at once and all errors should be fixed. Errors in the datasets will prevent fitting. To check the datasets at path my-input-data/ you can run espei --check-datasets my-input-data.

The JSON file for describing Calphad phases is conceptually similar to a setup file in Thermo-Calc's PARROT module. At the top of the file there is the refdata key that describes which reference state you would like to choose. Currently the reference states are strings referring to dictionaries in pycalphad.refdata only "SGTE91" is implemented.

Each phase is described with the phase name as they key in the dictionary of phases. The details of that phase is a dictionary of values for that key. There are 4 possible entries to describe a phase: sublattice_model, sublattice_site_ratios, equivalent_sublattices, and aliases. sublattice_model is a list of lists, where each internal list contains all of the components in that sublattice. The BCC_B2 sublattice model is [["AL", "NI", "VA"], ["AL", "NI", "VA"], ["VA"]], thus there are three sublattices where the first two have Al, Ni, and vacancies. sublattice_site_ratios should be of the same length as the sublattice model (e.g. 3 for BCC_B2). The sublattice site ratios can be fractional or integers and do not have to sum to unity.

The optional equivalent_sublattices key is a list of lists that describe which sublattices are symmetrically equivalent. Each sub-list in equivalent_sublattices describes the indices (zero-indexed) of sublattices that are equivalent. For BCC_B2 the equivalent sublattices are [[0, 1]], meaning that the sublattice at index 0 and index 1 are equivalent. There can be multiple different sets (multiple sub-lists) of equivalent sublattices and there can be many equivalent sublattices within a sublattice (see FCC_L12). If no equivalent_sublattice key exists, it is assumed that there are none.a

Finally, the aliases key is used to refer to other phases that this sublattice model can describe when symmetry is accounted for. Aliases are used here to describe the BCC_A2 and FCC_A1, which are the disordered phases of BCC_B2 and FCC_L12, respectively. Notice that the aliased phases are not otherwise described in the input file. Multiple phases can exist with aliases to the same phase, e.g. FCC_L12 and FCC_L10 can both have FCC_A1 as an alias.

  "refdata": "SGTE91",
  "components": ["AL", "NI", "VA"],
  "phases": {
      "LIQUID" : {
      "sublattice_model": [["AL", "NI"]],
      "sublattice_site_ratios": [1]
      "BCC_B2": {
      "aliases": ["BCC_A2"],
      "sublattice_model": [["AL", "NI", "VA"], ["AL", "NI", "VA"], ["VA"]],
      "sublattice_site_ratios": [0.5, 0.5, 1],
      "equivalent_sublattices": [[0, 1]]
      "FCC_L12": {
      "aliases": ["FCC_A1"],
      "sublattice_model": [["AL", "NI"], ["AL", "NI"], ["AL", "NI"], ["AL", "NI"], ["VA"]],
      "sublattice_site_ratios": [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 1],
      "equivalent_sublattices": [[0, 1, 2, 3]]
      "AL3NI1": {
      "sublattice_site_ratios": [0.75, 0.25],
      "sublattice_model": [["AL"], ["NI"]]
      "AL3NI2": {
      "sublattice_site_ratios": [3, 2, 1],
      "sublattice_model": [["AL"], ["AL", "NI"], ["NI", "VA"]]
      "AL3NI5": {
      "sublattice_site_ratios": [0.375, 0.625],
      "sublattice_model": [["AL"], ["NI"]]
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