Plot Thermochemical Data

Parameter selection in ESPEI fits Calphad parameters to thermochemical data. MCMC can adjust these parameters. In both cases, it may be useful to compare the energies of specific interactions to the model predictions. The espei.plot.plot_interaction code will plot the predicted interaction from the database against the available data, if any.

# CONFIGURATION must be a tuple of the configuration to be plotted.
# This can only plot one endmember or interaction at a time.
# Note that the outside tuples are the whole configuration
# and the insides are for each individual sublattice.
# Single sublattices *MUST* have the comma after the
# object in order to be a tuple, not just parantheses.
# some examples:
# ("CU", "MG")  # endmember
# (("CU", "MG"),)  # (("CU", "MG")) is invalid because it will become ("CU", "MG")
# ("MG", ("CU", "MG"))

# Plot the parameter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pycalphad import Database
from espei.datasets import load_datasets, recursive_glob
from espei.plot import plot_interaction

dbf = Database("Cu-Mg-generated.tdb")
comps = sorted(dbf.elements)
datasets = load_datasets(recursive_glob("input-data"))
plot_interaction(dbf, comps, PHASE_NAME, CONFIGURATION, "HM_MIX", datasets=datasets)

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